Alphabet Preschool’s Commitment to Child Safety and Wellbeing Statement

Alphabet Preschool is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. We understand our responsibilities and statutory duty of care to comply with both the Victorian Child Safe Standards and the Reportable Conduct Scheme to build our capacity as an organisation to prevent and respond to allegations of child abuse.

Our Service is committed to implementing and abiding by our Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy and Child Safe Environment Policy based on Child Safe Standards in Victoria (2022), which accentuates our zero tolerance for child abuse and raising awareness about the importance of child safety in our Service and the community.

We are dedicated to protecting children from abuse and neglect and promote a child safe environment, maintaining children’s wellbeing. We adhere to our comprehensive Child Protection Policy, standing by our mandatory reporting responsibilities to protect children from physical, sexual, emotional and psychological abuse and neglect.

We work to ensure there is clear awareness between appropriate and inappropriate behaviour concerning adults and children. We require clear precincts between children and employees, volunteers and the community to maintain children’s safety.

We are dedicated to promoting cultural safety for Aboriginal children, cultural safety for children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and to providing a safe environment for children with a disability.

We value diversity and do not tolerate any discriminatory practices. We abide by our Anti-bias and Inclusion Policy which outlines our Service belief that children have the right to be treated equally, and our goal is to develop children’s identity and self-esteem in a trusting and supportive environment. We practice the principles of anti-biased education and are mindful of the resources and activities we provide to children.

We are committed to ongoing professional development for educators and staff to maintain their ability to distinguish and respond to situations of abuse and neglect, ensuring educators and staff are responsive to their responsibilities in keeping children safe. Child protection training is mandatory for all staff at Alphabet Preschool.

We work in collaboration with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and have confidence in educating children about their right to be safe. We believe in teaching children what to do if they feel unsafe and encouraging them to express their view and thoughts on matters that directly affect them.

As educators we listen to and empower children to act on any concerns they or others may raise, which is reflected in our policies and procedures in keeping children safe. We enable children to have a voice and respect their choices and decisions.

Our Commitment to Child Safety and Wellbeing

The safety and wellbeing of children and young people is everyone’s responsibility.

Every child and young person has the right to feel safe and we all have a shared responsibility to protect them from harm and abuse.

At Alphabet Preschool, we are committed to being a child safe organisation where all children and young people are valued and protected from harm and abuse.

Child Safe Standards

Alphabet Preschool is required by law to implement the Victorian Child Safe Standards to protect children and young people from harm and abuse.

The Child Safe Standards are a compulsory framework for Victorian organisations that provide services and facilities specifically for children and young people aged 0 to 18 years.

The Standards aim to:

  • promote the safety of children
  • prevent child abuse
  • ensure organisations and businesses have effective processes in place to respond to and report all allegations of child abuse.

Organisations and community groups can learn more about the Standards from the Commission for Children and Young People

 Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy 

In response to new Child Safe Standards which come into effect on 1 July 2022, Alphabet Preschool has developed a Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy.

The Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy outlines our commitment to child safety and how we will work as a child safe and child friendly organisation to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people.

What to do…

If you are concerned about a child or young person’s safety

  • If a child is in immediate danger, call 000 (triple zero)
  • For immediate concerns and to report abuse, contact:
    • Police on 000 (triple zero), and/or
    • Child Protection on 1800 075 599 or after hours on 13 12 78.

If you have any child safety concerns or complaints regarding Alphabet Preschool

Alphabet Preschool has zero tolerance towards child abuse and takes all concerns and complaints about child safety in our organisation extremely seriously.

You can report a child safety concern or complaint about Alphabet Preschool in any of the following ways:

  • phone us on 5248 2522
  • face-to-face verbal report to any member of the team
  • completing a Complaints / Grievance Form located here
  • email our head of organisation :
  • directly contact the Commission for Children and Young People

If you or someone you know needs support or assistance

  • Lifeline 13 11 14 is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can also text 0477 13 11 14 or chat online with a Crisis Supporter any time of the day or night.
  • Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800 is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, or connect with a Kids Helpline counsellor through webchat or email

Further information

For further information on child safety, please view our Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy.

Ready to enrol?

Wanting to enrol your child into Alphabet Preschool? Click on the button below to start your enrolment process.

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