Centre Policies

Policies are listed under their main Quality Area, however they may also be relevant to other Quality Areas, as noted in the body of the policy

Click on the Quality Area below to view the relevant centre policies

Education program and practice (QA1)

Educational program and practice of educators are child-centred, stimulating and maximise opportunities for enhancing and extending each child’s learning and development

Additional Needs Policy
Celebrations Policy
Early Childhood Intervention Practitioner (ECIP) Management Policy
Educational Program Policy
Multi-Cultural Policy
Physical Activity Policy
Technology Policy

Children’s health and safety (QA2)

Children have the right to experience quality education and care in an environment that safeguards and promotes their health, safety and well-being

Acceptance and Refusal Authorisation Policy
Administration of First Aid Policy
Administration of Medication Policy
Adventurous (Risky and Nature) Play Policy
Anaphylaxis Management Policy
Asthma Management Policy
Bottle Safety and Preparation Policy
Breastfeeding Policy
Bushfire Policy
Child Protection Policy
Child Safe Environment Policy
Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
Children’s Belongings Policy
Closed Circuit Television System (CCTV) Policy
Clothing Policy
Cyber Safety Policy
Dealing with Infectious Disease Policy
Delivery of Children to and Collection from Education and Care Service Premises Policy
Dental Health Policy
Diabetes Management Policy
Earthquake Management Policy
Eczema Management Policy
Emergency and Evacuation Policy
Epilepsy Management Policy
Excursion/Community Engagement Policy
Flood Management Policy
Furniture and Equipment Safety Policy
Handwashing Policy
Head Lice Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Immunisation Policy
Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness Policy
Information Sharing and Family Violence Reforms Policy
Lockdown Policy
Managing an Aggressive Person/Visitor Policy
Managing an Unidentified Dog Policy
Medical Conditions Policy
Nappy Change and Toileting Policy
Nutrition and Food Safety Policy
Out of Hours Babysitting Policy
Photograph Policy
Reportable Conduct Scheme Policy
Road Safety Policy
Safe Storage of Hazardous Chemicals Policy
Safe Transportation Policy
Sick Educator Policy
Sleep and Rest Policy
Snake Awareness Policy
Sun Safe Policy
Supervision Policy
Teething Policy
Tobacco, Drug and Alcohol-Free Policy
Unexpected Death of a Child at a Service Policy
Unexpected Death of a Staff Member at a Service Policy
Water Safety Policy
Work Health & Safety Policy

Physical environment (QA3)

Physical environment is safe, suitable and provides a rich and diverse range of experiences that promote children’s learning and development

Animal and Pet Policy
Environmental Responsibility Policy
Physical Environment Policy

Staffing arrangements (QA4)

Relationships with children (QA5)

Collaborative partnerships with families and communities (QA6)

Collaborative relationships with families are fundamental to achieving quality outcomes for children, and community partnerships based on active communication, consultation and collaboration are essential

English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) Policy
Enrolment Policy
Family Communication Policy
Kindergarten Program Enrolment Policy
Open Door Policy
Orientation of Families Policy
Termination of Enrolment Policy
Transition to School Policy

Governance and leadership (QA7)

Effective leadership and governance of the service contributes to quality environments for children’s learning and development
Effective leaders establish shared values for the service and set clear direction for the service’s continuous improvement

Casual and Relief Staff Policy
Dealing with Complaints Policy
Fraud Prevention Policy
Governance Policy
Kindergarten Payment of Fees Policy
Payment of Fees Policy
Privacy and Confidentiality Policy
Professional Development Policy
Record Keeping and Retention Policy
Social Media Policy
Students, Volunteers  and Visitors Policy
Withdrawal of a Child Policy
Writing, Reviewing and Maintaining Policies Policy

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